
Located in Lander county, Nevada, the Eureka lithium brine project is 115 miles north-northeast of the Silver Peak lithium brine operation.

Project Highlights

Austin is the nearest town at 16 miles northwest of the project, and can supply basic needs of an exploration programme. A geothermal signature lies on the eastern margin and is covered by the north claim block. The Project is located 160 miles east of the Tesla Gigafactory, which is expected to be a significant consumer of lithium carbonate.

The tenements consist of 534 unpatented placer mining claims and 211 lode mining claims on BLM-administered land, totaling an area of c.45 km2 over two claim blocks, which are held 100% by Zenolith, the company’s 100% owned US subsidiary. The claims are granted in perpetuity, with fees being paid annually. The claims confer surface rights for any activities related to mineral exploration and production. Topography of the project area is flat, with slight elevations, making the area ideal for a lithium brine operation.

  • Bradda Head has completed a 23-hole drilling programme at its Eureka project,(assays pending).
  • Previous surface sampling carried out by Bradda Head geologists identified grades of up to 550ppm Li at Eureka, this programme is designed to test the potential for a shallow clay project at surface, similar to Bradda's other clay assets in Arizona (Wikieup and Basin).
  • Previous geophysics surveys carried out by Zonge Engineering and Terravision Exploration (PR dated 24/01/2022), results demonstrate the potential presence of both brine and clay deposits at Eureka, which is located in Central Nevada, not far from Tesla's Gigafactory and Albemarle's existing Silver Peak Lithium mine, notably the only US lithium mine in operation currently.
  • Surveys also showed geothermal potential at Eureka, which could be used to lower the carbon footprint of lithium production at Eureka.
  • A shallow drilling programme to test the clay potential was carried out in 2022, with results pending.
white pattern

Next steps

A programme is planned to follow up:

  • a deeper drilling programme to test the lower basin

Our projects


Sedimentary projects:

Wikieup and Basin Sedimentary Lithium projects

Our projects


Pegmatite projects:

San Domingo Lithium Pegmatite district

Our projects


Brine projects:

Wilson and Eureka Lithium Brine projects