Salt Flat

Lithium brine project located in Nye County, Nevada, which is 90 miles east-northeast of Clayton Valley and the Silver Peak lithium brine operation.

Project Highlights

Tonopah, being the nearest town at 70 miles to the west, can supply the basic needs of an exploration programme. Main roads are easily accessible, with the Extraterrestrial Highway (375) located 0.5 miles away. The project is located 190 miles southeast of the Tesla Gigafactory, which is forecast to be a significant consumer of lithium carbonate.

The project tenements are centred on salt lake playa and consist of 168 unpatented placer mining claims and 187 unpatented lode mining claims on BLM-administered land, 100% held by the Company’s US subsidiary, Zenolith (USA) LLC, covering a total area of 13.6km2. The claims confer surface rights for any activities related to mineral exploration and production.

Topography in the area is very flat, being ideal for a lithium brine operation. The mineralisation model is considered to be analogous with that of Clayton Valley and the Silver Peak lithium operation.


  • Reconnaissance surface auger/post hole sampling conducted from depths of 1m – 2m, results showed grades of 33 ppm Li to 192 ppm Li
  • Water bores located within 1km of the project area found lithium levels of 1.2 ppm Li, indicating potential lithium enriched waters at depth
  • Passive seismic geophysical survey confirmed presence of thick, sedimentary sequence bounded by basin margin faults, being similar to those found at the Silver Peak lithium brine operation


  • Magnetotelluric geophysical survey identified a conductive layer in the upper 200m – 300m spanning the full width of the project area, and being stronger and shallower than similar Nevada projects.
white pattern

Next steps

  • Bradda Head has built on previous positive exploration results (2016 gravity survey, 2017 magnetotellurics ("MT") survey and 2016 surface sampling at Wilson) to receive drilling permits at its Wilson project in Nevada. The newly permitted drilling is designed to test promising features identified in the prior work undertaken in 2016 to 2017.

  • Results of the 2016 gravity survey and 2017 MT survey conducted by Bradda Head geologists at its Wilson asset in Nevada indicated the potential presence of a brine-enriched basin up to 5km long and up to 400m deep. The interpreted structures and architecture are consistent with the lithium-bearing brine deposit models identified in the adjacent Clayton Valley area (Albemarle, Silver Peak).

  • Permission has been granted for two 305m holes to test the basin identified from the previous gravity and MT surveys.

  • Additional exploration at the Project involved a 2016 surface sampling programme which returned promising grades of up to 192ppm Li in clay.

  • The objective of the drilling programme is to obtain brine samples for geochemical testing, develop a better understanding of the hydrogeology, and to conduct lithological logging of the shallow clay sediments to learn more about the deposit(s) at Wilson.

  • Due to the prospective lithium grades at surface, the Bradda Head team plan to follow up with a surface drilling programme which is now being planned as well as the brine geochemical testing programme now permitted.

Our projects


Sedimentary projects:

Wikieup and Basin Sedimentary Lithium projects

Our projects


Pegmatite projects:

San Domingo Lithium Pegmatite district

Our projects


Brine projects:

Wilson and Eureka Lithium Brine projects